Let It Go

Even when you know you are disorganized, some people keep shopping. Some because they can’t find what they are looking for because of disorganization, which is double buying and double spending because they can’t find it in their clutter, and some shop because they think more is better.

For instance, some collectors continue to collect “things” that they just do not have room for.

  • Collectible figurines
  • Coins
  • Dishes
  • Clothing
  • Shoes & Bags
  • Papers

Some inherit their family belongings and think it would be bad if they got rid of them, or disrespectful, I will quote a good friend saying “Just because you give away your deceased loved one’s belongings… it does not mean you love them any less.” by Eileen Bergman – great friend, fellow organizer, who we lost last year.

How can we break the cycle? First is finding out why you are collecting. Is it a need, want, or way to make yourself feel better? Emotional attachment?

So Instead of buying more things:         

  • Go for a walk
  • Read a book
  • Make a call to family or friends
  • Watch a Movie
  • Cook
  • Write
  • Purge

Instead of holding onto family possessions:

  • Take a photo of it and have that as a memory
  • Ask other family members if they want it
  • Donate it

As for paperwork that is out of control here are three tips:

  1. Create one pile, gather everything you have on paper into one pile, and start purging
  2. Separate your papers into categories and create folders for them
  3. Then set a great process in place to begin a new routine to control what you are bringing into the home.

Organizing your stuff shows you have respect for the things you have purchased. I know some people have a hard time making decisions on what to let go of, so I suggest asking a friend to help in that case. If you think it is more than that, I urge you to seek professional help, whether that is a therapist or a professional organizer who could work in tandem with you and your therapist.

There is being disorganized and then there is being a step over the line, gaining control over buying unnecessary items can set you free of overshopping.

Hey, I am just like the next woman who loves to look nice and shop for clothing and shoes but I also put a rule in place in my closet “One item in… one item out” If I buy a pair of shoes then a pair has to go! We can’t keep everything..right??

So if you are thinking it is time to get yourself organized and let go of items no longer needed or wanted, I commend you on taking that first step!

You can do it! Let It Go!

About Lisa Gessert

Professional Organizer/Productivity Consultant - Connect with me to see how your time and space can be more efficient for you! 917.887.8672 LisaGessert@gmail.com
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