Swan Song

So the time has come to make the decision to retire or to keep working. My business and my blog are in their tenth year. It’s time to stop blogging.

I love what I do, the people I work with, the clients who have become friends, and my colleagues who have also become more than colleagues.

So I have been slowly winding down with clients still keeping a foot in the door with blogging and speaking to groups. I will still be writing for Jersey’s Best magazine quarterly.

Slowly passing clients to other organizers. So hard to do, as I remember going into business and appreciating every client that came along.

I have finally found my smile 🙃 again. A real smile. Took me 5 1/2 long years but it’s surfacing again. I had time to think, relax, and wonder and I am a bit of a different person now. So much change.

I do water aerobics in the morning during the summer. I walk, I ride my bike, do a little yoga and I will start to play a little golf again soon, I also do meet-up groups for lunch and dinners all around New Jersey. I read quite a bit and love watching documentaries.

I have wonderful family, friends old and new who are my lifeline. I am the VP of a fundraising group here in my community and the recording secretary for my section’s board here as well.

I have given up the hands-on clients and moved into my new phase. I will miss my career, the friends I have made along the way, the connections to reach new prospects. But it all brought me to this place in time, this wonderful new stage of life that we all work so hard for, that we all say “when I retire”…

Suggestion for when and if you retire, put in place things you like to do, things you want to do and are doing before you retire. Set yourself up so you are doing things before work stops completely.


  • Less is more
  • Brain dumps are so helpful, use a journal
  • Lists are our best friends
  • No one wants our stuff
  • Less is more
  • What doesn’t fit, you don’t like, or is stained…get rid of
  • Keep what has meaning to you
  • Make your space a space you are happy in
  • Less is more…

Thank you for letting me into your lives for the past ten years.

Feel free to stay in touch at LisaGessert@gmail.com

About Lisa Gessert

Professional Organizer/Productivity Consultant - Connect with me to see how your time and space can be more efficient for you! 917.887.8672 LisaGessert@gmail.com
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3 Responses to Swan Song

  1. Ah Lisa, congratulations on your retirement. I love the whole tone of this post, and the joy I feel coming through it. Your clients and colleagues have been lucky to know you and benefit from your wisdom. I wish you all the best in this next phase! We’ll miss you over on Blogging Organizers!


  2. Janet Barclay says:

    I was going to say we’ll miss you in Blogging Organizers, but Seana beat me to it! It’s been a pleasure getting to know you through your blog and our work together on the ICSA website. Your happiness at this stage of your life is inspiring. Congratulations!


  3. Lisa Gessert says:

    Thank you so much Seana and Janet!! I am on FB so please stay in touch as I will!!


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