Ducks In A Row!

I am hoping you had a great Labor Day weekend. I saw friends and had a BBQ for some family and some really great meals during the weekend! It was definitely a time to connect for me for sure.

This time of year is sort of like the New Year for me, it makes me want to get my “stuff” together. Healthy eating, working out, organizing “things” and getting all my ducks in order. It’s back to work and classes for loads of people after a summer of hot days and steamy nights, swimming, ice cream eating, barbecues and hazy lazy days.

What do you need to get your ducks in a row? Motivation? Drive? Time? Ideas?

For some it is getting our summer outdoor activity stuff put away. Maybe it’s a garage project or things inside your home.

Maybe it is paperwork/mail/emails you need organized? Or a great daily planner put in place?

So whether it is papers, clothing, items, organizing is all the same. You need to plan it out, start it, organize it and finish your project. Some of us need a push and motivation. Maybe reward yourself for a job well done when it is completed.

Suggestions on where to start, these items can be immediately tossed:

  • old towels and sheets/blanket (please donate to kennels as they are in desperate need of these items
  • old shoes and old clothings
  • clear out under bathroom counters and toiletries
  • wire hangers and dry cleaner bags that tend to yellow clothing
  • nightstands

So let’s follow my 3 P’s!!

  1. Purge It
  2. Put it aside
  3. Plan for a pick-up date
  1. PURGE IT:
    Pick a space, that space can be a room or a closet or a daily planner. Purging is assessing what you have, what you want to keep and what can be donated or tossed away. When it comes to your daily planner that may include the tasks or activities that can be left out, or stopped. Maybe during this summertime you have discovered new activities you want to include.

    Pick an out of the way corner in your home to box or bag up your items for donations. Seal them! Mark them “For Donation”. Please, please do not go back and take things back out of them.

    I have been using a donation place called Go Green Drop. You can find them at or you can reach them at 1-888-944-3767. To schedule your FREE pick-up. On their site you can view a list of items they accept and what they don’t. If they do not pick up in your area I would call your favorite donation place.

Get YOUR ducks in a row…

Happy Organizing!

About Lisa Gessert

Professional Organizer/Productivity Consultant - Connect with me to see how your time and space can be more efficient for you! 917.887.8672
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